Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Japan Trip Photos - Part 1 (HOKKAIDO)

Well, have not been discipline enough to keep my blog updated as much as I want to. Anyway, I went to Japan for a business cum leisure trip in April 08 and here are some of the photos I took with my new digital camera.
Burger (beef patty) served with rice and salad. Surprisingly yummy!
How I wish I can retire to a place like Hokkaido and having a farm house as above.
Since my business is related to dairy farming, I have to show you some dairy cows. Look at the above, the barn that housed these cows looked so clean and comfortable to these cows.
Close encounter with the cow...beautiful and gentle animal, aren't they?

More ladies....this is how farmers commonly address their cows in a respectful manner.

A young bull... he was jumping around happily when we approached him. He was so playful, curious and energetic... typically male chracteristics

One of the farm houses we visited had the above Koi flags erected in front of their house. These flags were erected during Springtime, as a ritual to ask blessings from the Gods to their children for health, passing examination etc.
It was a beautiful sight when the wind blows, as these Koi flags became alive, dancing and swimming in the air.

We went to a farm called Handa Farm for lunch. The farm restaurant served home made cheeses and they tasted most wonderfully.

Farm restaurant's interior... a lot of western elements are being adopted.

A charming dog house at the farm ...

What is more charming is the resident of this dog house.... a ST BERNARD dog... Miss Azusa (is a she) is so adorable

Kiss, kiss and hugs, hugs

(to be continued)