Today, Malaysia Today editor and prominent blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) was sent to the Kamunting Detention Centre in Taiping, Perak in the morning, to begin his two-year detention without trial under the Internal Security Act. He is held under section 8 of Internal Security Act (ISA). Detention can be renewed indefinitely.
RPK's Habeas Corpus hearing was supposed to take place on 23.9.08. However, Syed Hamid Albar, the Home Minister has signed an order that RPK is to be sent to jail in the morning of the 23.9.08, before the court hearing can be commenced.
Can we not consider the above act as an act of evil? Stopping a fair trial from taking place is absolutely plain evil and outrageous.
Can we not consider such malicious act is an act of desperation of the current regime's move to oppress the opposition and to silent the growing voice of the people for justice in this country?
Is this not one of the the ruling party's dirty tactics and propaganda to intimidate the people from making changes, especially those changes that undermine their interests to stay in power and financial gain?
Islam professes about justice and equality but these people who claim themselves as devoted Muslims and who walk the corridor of power are actually acting against the principles of this good faith of Islam!
Initially, RPK was held under section 73(1) of the ISA, by which a court must review the detention on an "objective" basis. Then, the Home Minister turned the whole situation around on the day before RPK's hearing and put RPK under under section 8 of ISA - i.e. detention without trial for 2 years.
By changing RPK's detention under section 73 to section 8, the detaining authority is no longer in a burden to show any proof that RPK is a threat to national security (which the authority fails to produce any concrete evidence so far) and there isn't any more needs (under this draconian law) to establish any objective reasons for RPK detention. Hence, RPK application of Habeas Corpus become irrelevant. Section 8 denies RPK's innocence and killing all possible chances that RPK is to be freed.
Malaysia definitely needs an overhaul! The existing regime needs to be voted out. Malaysia should no longer be a place for these racist, injustice, corrupted and power crazy politicians and their machinery.
Change is needed desparately and inevitable for this country, for the betterment and good faiths of all Malaysians.
Having to say that, undeniably, not all Malaysians embrace changes, particularly the businessmen and citizens of the middle class strata. These people tend to equate changes, particularly changes in the political scene as pure instability and will lead them to a state of lost ---- such short sightedness and selfish thinking! Instead, these people should realise that not all uncertainties brought about by the changes are leading to instability and disadvantages; although there will be inconvenience and pain of moving away from their comfort zone in short term.
In the case of Malaysia, we desperately need changes for a better Malaysia in long term. The current regime is apparent to have rotted to the bone and is beyond salvation.
These businessmen and middle class are certainly urged to get out of their current mind trap and ought to take risks with all other Malaysians who want a better, civilised, cleaner and healthier Malaysia for their children, grand children, grand grand children and many more generations in the future.
Malaysia is for all Malaysians, not just limited to a specific, defined ethnic group with a particular religion and / or of a particular political party.