Friday, March 20, 2009

Malaysia is roiled by a crisis of democracy

The article above was published in The Malaysian Insider 21.3.09. It gives a summary of the ordeals that the people of Malaysia have to go through in this tough political and economic times.

While our neighbor like Singapore is busy tackling the economy crisis, our leaders are still so engross to their personal interest of power and sideline the economic crisis that the country is facing.

On another note, the willing tendency of certain top leaders of PAS (which is one of the component party of the People Alliance / Pakatan Rakyat) to form a unity government with Barisan Nasional (BN), based on the ground of uniting the Malays based on race and religion (again!!!!), is heartbreaking.

Haven't we had enough of segregating the anak-anak Malaysia based on race and religion? Shouldn't we just focus of uniting the people of Malaysia as a country based on common grounds like economy and social stability, instead of uniting based on race and religion again and again?

When are these old farts will ever grow up? When Malaysia will be free from such evil idealogies?