老实的说,回想起2007 年,2007对我来说不是很好。尤其是健康和感情。前者做手术都做了两趟,后者是因为2006年尾爱情失败;2007年根本就是疗伤年。呜呜!
1) Joined a gym in July 07 and enjoy ("addicted" to be more precise) workout very much ever since. Successful in reducing my weight from a peak of 80kg in 2006 to 72kg by Dec 07. Of course, I felt and still feeling good about myself, especially when i see my own reflection on the mirrors and window display glasses as when i walked passed them. Ha ha!
2) I learnt a new language in 2007 - Japanese language. Nihon go benkyo shimasu.
3) I picked up readings again in 2007, which I did little when i was in a relationship in 2005/2006. Some of the favorite books that I read in 2007 were "I am Muslim", "Confession of An Old Boy","行地平线II“ and "The Golden Compass". My all time favorite magazine remains to "National Geographic" and the new one added into my list in 2007 is ""Off The Edge"
4) Following to the path of some of my friends, I started my Blog during end 2007. Although what i wrote is kind of boring (as what my friends have commented) (Gee, thank you for being so frank, guys!); but hey, I managed to challenge myself to go for a dive in an unfamiliar sea and I have not drown from the dip or given up. How can I not consider it as a progress, even though it seemed like a small step out of my comfort zone. He he!
总体来说,2007 的成绩还挺不错吧。好了,我2008 的 RESOLUTION 将会是什么呢?请看看以下吧!
Key Resolutions
I want to look bulkier physically / muscular in 2008. Aim to maintain my exercising regularly (minimum 4 times per week), as long as I am not travelling for work.
On work wise, I hope to upgrade / updating my working skills by reading more business books, especially on topics related to consulting, sales and marketing. I hope this will help getting myself prepared for any new job opportunities in 2008/2009.
Further to my Japanese lessons that I took in 2007, I want to sit for the JLPT test in Singapore on Dec 08 and aim to pass the examination.
I will definitely continue to read more books (minimum 5 books - fiction and/or non fiction, excluding the business readings above) and write more articles in my Blog.
Optional resolutions (More like a wish list):
I hope to join Malaysian Nature Society and be active in nature conservation and appreciation programs again.
If financially permissible, I will buy a SLR Digital Camera and learn about photography seriously.
In addition to all the above, Just wonder if I have more room, time and resources to appreciate and learn more about Arts - like paintings and violin playing (Hmm.. hope I am not too old to become a late starter for the latter)
That's all, Folks!