I was rather busy with all the travelling and works throughout March and April 08. Now, most assignments are completed or almost complete and there is a lot more reading and catch up to do, so to be able to write something on my blog / journal again.
Here goes....
I know it is kind of silly to start my posting with a picture of a toilet bowl. However, i find it fascinating because of its environmental friendly features.
It appears that such toilet bowl is pretty common in Japanese families. As you can see, there is a basin on top of the cistern. The cistern collects the water from the basin and recycles it for flushing. Isn't such idea wonderful?
The toilet seat has a heater and makes shitting in the morning no longer a freezing experience in temperate / cold countries. Of course, in Malaysia, may be we should have a chiller feature instead, for use during hot days...Ha ha!
Oh Yes, I am particular fond of the idea of having a ass-washing device, which it washes our asshole (sorry for being so crude but hey, that is life!) after we do the big thing. This saves us from using too much toilet paper. To me, the idea is noble, on both aspects of hygiene and environmental friendliness. By the way, you can control both the temperature and strength of the water jet that shoot towards your asshole...
Oh, Ladies, no offense, this devise also applies to your private part too, after you do the small thing...
I strongly advocate the above environmental friendly toilet bowl to be introduced to every households in Malaysia or even to all public toilets in one day...
Then, no more wet public toilet floor and no more tap with ugly plastic hoses in every toilet cubicle. Most of all, minimise chances of fecal contamination to hands... a very important hygiene aspect to restaurant businesses, especially to people there who prepare and handle our foods and drinks.
Cheers folks!