Monday, May 5, 2008

Makan and Minum

I went up to KL last Saturday to have dinner with my friends... Had a great time, as always. Since I am still an aspired-to-be photographer, sorry guys if you do not find your face in the pictures below. It is very likley that the quality of those pictures are too poor for public showing.

Nizam was yawning while waiting for foods to be served... Serious, Marcus and I were not looking at you when you yawn.

Hmmm...finally the foods came

Chew chew, munch munch munch.. see how Zam immensed himself in the world of food-eating while Din seemed to take it more having a QC inspection on the food before putting it into his mouth. As for Syed, he looked a bit solemn, perhaps not having himself fed enough? (Ha ha!)

Why Nick open his mouth like that? Something stuck in his throat / teeth?

Who can deny that humans are not on top of the food chain. Can you see the damage we did?

Fai returned to his happy face after a hefty meal

Ha ha, Din, caught you on camera. FYI, anak itu tak boleh "dimakan", tahu?