The results of the by-election sent a strong message that the National Coalition or Barisan Nasional - BN is loosing ground. It's race-based strategy is loosing its relevance to the people of Malaysia.
Out of the three by-elections, namely Batang Ai of Sarawak, Bukit Gantang of Perak and Bukit Selambau of Kedah; the opposition People Coalition or Pakatan Rakyat - PR, won 2 by-elections, namely Bukit Gantang (Perak) and Bukit Salambau (Kedah). This is despite BN's malicious race-based agenda and fanning the fire of race hatred.
Like an example quoted in today's Malaysia Insider, telling that [a leaflet distributed in BN's by-election campaign in Bukit Gantang warned that UMNO is being pressured by it non-Malay components in the BN, and this may happen to PAS and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PAS and PKR are 2 out of the 3 main component parties of PR, who are dominant ed by members of Malay ethnics) in their opposition coalition.
UMNO also campaigned along the lines of Malay power being eroded in the state under the former opposition government (in Perak state) which was toppled by the BN in February 09. It labelled the ousted PR Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Nizar Jamaluddin, who stood as the PR candidate, a Chinese puppet.]
On the contrary, the PR's strategy of multi-racialism and calls for reforms and economic assistance based on need, not ethnicity resonates strongly among the liberal urbanites, as well as the marginalised rural and urban poor.
People are tired of BN's race-based agenda, corruption and cronyism practises. Even majority of the Malay community realised and disagreed that the threat to Malay power is not the non-Malays but the Malay leaders themselves and and their politically-linked Malay elites.
Our new Prime Minister - Najib Razak is doing a massive PR campaign to rescue his reputation and his party (UMNO) by acknowledging the contribution of Non-Malays to Malaysia recently; which UMNO party memebers previously labels the Non-Malay as mere "Pendatang" or Immigrants and disregards their roles and contribution to the building and development of this nation. Also, our new Prime Minister is also pushing for a freer Media in Malaysia and ready to accept its consequences. He also released 2 HINDRAFT members who have been detained under Internal Security Act on last Sunday 5.4.09 in the wake of the recent by-election , so to please and fish for Indian voters.
Let sees if our Prime Minister means what he said... How about amending our history book to tell the truth for a start? How about consider dropping the charges to a prominent blogger and stand for trial against his accusations? How about releasing all the other HINDRAFT members who are still detained under ISA, and not just the 2 that were released recently?
The anak-anak Malaysia are watching...