Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Ushering 2009

2008 is about to end in 11 hours and 25 minutes and 5 seconds. Oh, have to add another 1 second to align with GMT this year.

2008 is indeed an eventful year for me, it is a learning year for me. I don't mean learning academically, but more on the area of emotional and self growth.

New friends are steeping into my life and things have been good so far. My bonds with my buddies and soul mates are still going strong, although we meet so much less often now, mainly due to work and geographical distance. This in turn make our bonds even stronger.

Some buddies decided to abandon their bachelorhood and join the crowd in 2008 and I am happy for them; but guys and gals, mind you, that does not mean I endorse that your partner(s) can override the importance of our friendship. If that ever happen, dump her / him, LOL! As for myself, I have made peace with my past relationship and i am flourishing with new hopes.

Although I travelled less to overseas in 2008, I managed to have great fun and strike a balance between work and leisure. Managed to squeeze a day off from my busy work schedule to look around Tokyo during my Japan trip was really exciting and fun filled (Ahem, both clean and not so clean fun. Ha ha!). Of course, Hokkaido is beautiful as ever.

I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Beijing for the Beijing Olympics in Aug 08 and I finally set foot to The Forbidden City - which i always wanted to and have not had the chance to do so since I started travelling to China in 2005. Moreover, my last trip to China in Aug 08 could be my very last trip (for the time being). This is because work wise, i am no longer required to go to China anymore. Business there in China is in capable hands now.

Visiting Vietnam for work towards year end was rewarding with new learning about the Vietnamese and their work culture.

I finally live by myself in a new rented apartment now. I have to moved out from my old place because my housemate has gotten married and got his wife pregnant (Ha Ha! Great job, well done). The experience of living alone has been both enlightening, fun and fulfilling so far. Of course, the challenging part is paying for more bills & keeping them paid on time. In addition, I feel I am becoming more domesticated now, which is not a bad thing after all.
Moving to my new place also made me picking up new interests in home furnishing, cooking and gardening. I sincerely hope such interests, and my interest on photography will grow in 2009.

The US credit crunch affected so many people, including myself, in both of my work and lifestyle. Coping and managing the growing burdens of such economic downturn would certainly be a valuable experience and it would be something for me to reminisce for a long time.

I am pleased that I am more politically and socially aware of my country in 2008. I hope I will be able to inculcate such awareness to others, e.g. my brothers who are just too engrossed to the world of themselves and tend to be ignorant about their surroundings. All Malaysians ought to keep tabs on the affairs of the state and should not let people that runs the country abusing their power and/or resting on their laurels.

The year of 2008 ends with the passing of my granny and news about a close friends' mom having lung cancer are certainly not a great way to call year 2008 a finale. Nevertheless, death and sufferings are part of journey in life and nothing I should not be able to embrace and handle with grace.

Wishing all a prosperous and worry free new year. May the new year be filled with hopes, joy, peace, justice, good health and wealth. No more wars, discrimination, injustice and poverty to this world and let humanity comes as one (I am always hopeful of that to happen).

Year 2009 here it comes!